Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bible in 90 Days- July- October edition!

Many of you may remember that I participated in the Bible in 90 Days Challenge hosted by Mom's Toolbox this past January- March. It was an amazing experience and gave me such a fresh perspective on the Word.  I had read almost the entire Bible before (all but a few chapters in Ezekiel!) but never cover-to-cover.  While I know that cover-to-cover isn't chronological, it still made things so much clearer and helped me gain my bearings a little bit better when reading- as in how people are related to each other, where they were and why certain things were happening.

It was such a profound experience for me that I of course can't help but highly recommend ALL OF YOU to get involved in the next ediiton of the challenge beginning on July 5!  By all of you- I really mean that!  I was so amazed with the last go around to see how many people who not only had never read the whole Bible before, but actually any of it, decided to participate.  In fact, the man who started the Bible in 90 Days, Ted Cooper, actually started reading the Bible in 90 days originally so that he could say he did it and move on, quite sure that it was a ridiculous book.  Half way through the Old Testament, however, his life had been changed!  So, even if you aren't "into it," just consider it!

Even more exciting, I will be a mentor for this go around!  I am very excited about this and have to admit that I feel a bit like a summer camp counselor!  I will have 5-10 readers that I am supporting and praying for, and while I am not planning on doing the full challenge again this time, I will be trying to follow along and looking more deeply into the verses I marked in my Bible with the first go around.

If you want to find out more info about the challenge hop on over to this post on Mom's Toolbox and get the details!  I really hope to see you around the challenge!